Tag Archives: Welcome

DNA Style Labs?

15 Sep

A quick glimpse of who we are and what we’re about at

 DNA Style Labs


Our clients are not just clients; they become a part of who DNA Style Labs is, what we are about and what we will become. We want our clients to come in, and feel familiar with what is around them. Although, fashion is ever-changing, a few things that will not change at DNA StyleLabs is the way we treat our clients, walk-ins or one of  20+ years.
From the minute you walk into our salon, you’re surrounded by sleek and contemporary design along with a mixture of modern staff who will promptly ask your choice of beverage. Need something a little stronger than bottled water? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered, coffee,  tea, and sodas just in case. This is just one of the many familiarities, to our client satisfaction belief system.
Another is an in-depth consultation, because we understand using a new stylist or changing your look takes a lot of thought and trust. As a gender neutral salon, the process always begins with an in-depth consultation and ends with an at home how-to, a MUST for any service offered. So we want you to come in, relax, slip into a robe, and know we consider your everyday life, skin tone, hair texture and all of the other features that make you the individual you are. At DNA Style Labs we treat your entire style as part of your DNA; there are no two people with the same, so why should your style and colour be cookie cutter?  This is where our concept of DNA Style Labs comes from, to give you the best look for YOU, as an individual let us expose the layers of your life and style and thoughtfully construct a signature look for you.  It’s a look good, feel good experience.
The salon concept that started off as just a vision became a reality in February 2011, by owner and stylist Justin Amador.  The foundation of his dream was to be a salon that builds from passion, dedication, artistic creativity and most importantly continuing education that is provided to every single one of his staff, this includes stylist of many years to fresh-faced eager new stylist even to our front desk coordinators. At DNA Style Labs we are eager, ever-learning, and excited. So we make on-going education a priority. Schwarzkopf, Toni and Guy and MacVoil are just a few of the educational institutes that have inspired our team to become innovatively modern and forward-thinking.

We are born into the belief that healthy, amazing hair, customer service, and confidence can be given in one place. Everyday we come into a salon, a place to have fun and relax in a trusting environment for the men and women ready to look their best.