Tag Archives: Make up

DNA Style Labs + MacVoil = TEAMWORK!

4 Oct

A big thank you to all the lovely faces that came out to the MacVoil and DNA Style Labs even yesterday!

 Hope to see y’all for the next one November 7th (Monday) along with new faces. A few photos from our MacVoil Smoothing Systems Class yesterday.

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Weekend Inspiration

24 Sep

Amazing HAIR and MAKE-UP from the Fall 2011 Runway, to inspire your look for your weekend nights! Don’t be scared…..take a little bit of these ideas and make them suit you. You’ll look stunning!!




Milan Fashion Week-D&G: Spring 2012 Collection, It’s Last

23 Sep

 Bright colors, Mix and Match Patterns, Retro-Glossy, Scarf-Theme

 Gucci opened last night for Milan Fashion Week, but D&G stole the show. It wasn’t for   the clothes themselves, as lovely as they were, but instead the announcement once the models were off the catwalk.

 Designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, announced they were discontinuing the 17-year-old D&G line, and it would be folded into upcoming Dolce & Gabbana styles. The  “For the upcoming seasons, D&G will become part of Dolce & Gabbana, giving even more strength and energy to our collections,” they said in an emailed statement.

The collection will be in stores Spring 2012

This collection is absolutely amazing! It’s no surprise the hair was parted down the middle, flowing and natural. Or that the faces were just as soft with a touch of golden. Love! Love! Love!

I am ready for spring to be sprung now!  🙂

Sneak Peek-MacVoil Photoshoot

16 Sep

It was a lovely Sunday and Monday getting to do make up on the girls, working with Justin Amador (Owner/ Stylist at DNA Style Labs) to get these beauties picture perfect for future MacVoil ads, brochures and signage with photographer and Fred Tavakoli over at Salon & Spa Wholesalers.

A few behind the scenes….well and behind the photographer shots





Alright, Thats all for now. Look out for these lovely faces and more in salons, magazines and any other MacVoil ads and sineage. Happy Friday to all of you lovelies!  🙂

DNA Style Labs, Houston, TX