Tag Archives: Humidity

Your Mane in the Rain- Survival Guide

9 Oct

Houston we have rain, and I am loving it. After such a dry scorching summer, I think it’s safe to say we need this desperately!

 If you have to go out the rain can obviously be a drag when it comes to trying to look cute and keeping your strands healthy. Here are a few styling ideas to try in this wet weather.

Rain is the purest form of water but with the rise in pollution, rain water is contaminated and full of chemicals that are not hair-friendly.  On a rainy day, hair is the worst affected.  So it is important to practice hair care on a rainy day.  Rainy days don’t come alone, usually accompanied by its buddies- humidity and/ or strong wind.  Both of which can turn your fab tresses into a whole lot of messes. Here are few rainy day hair care tips !

How can you beat the rainy and windy weather while keepinh a gorgeous mane –

  • Rinse out the Rain-  If your hair does get wet in the rain, make sure that you wash your hair as soon as possible with a mild shampoo and condition. Do not leave rainwater on your strands, as it is high in chemical contents and can damage the hair.
  • Pump up the Flow-  Dry massage your scalp so that it improves blood circulation. However, once a week oil massaging it with warm oil is a good idea- Just remember to wash and rinse oils out after.
  • Mderation is always Key-Wash your hair every alternate day. If you have short hair, you can wash it daily. Switching to a gentle/baby shampoo is a good idea. Apply conditioner on the hair shaft as this will strengthen your hair.
  • Can you Dare go Bare– Skip hairspray and gels. These stick to the scalp and cause dandruff. Avoid using curling/ straightening iron and blow dryers (NOTE: However, if the hair is wet at night, apply lots of leave-in conditioner on the hair and then blow dry on cold air.)
  • Fight the Frizz-Excessive moisture is the biggest culprit during this season. It affects your hair even if you remain indoors, especially on days when the humidity is high. Depending on your hair type, it may leave your hair frizzy or flat. Hair usually tends to absorb the moisture in the air. This makes fine/thin hair fall flat, but people with wavy/curly hair end up with frizzy strands. The best solution to this is to use a humidity-protective styling produc. This help by forming a protective coat over the hair cuticle and preventing moisture from getting in and also going out.
  • Grease-Proof the Goop-Choose hair care products wisely depending on your hair type. Frizzy, dry and rough hair is usually dealt with by using hair cream or similar products to smoothen it. But this can have an adverse effect, by allowing your hair to absorb moisture and making it look greasy or sticky. If this happens, stick to a leave-in conditioner. Also for coloured hair, use the special shampoos and conditioners meant for such hair.
  • Dandruff-Free Do-With such high humidity and wet hair, dandruff  is too comon and never welcomed. If you want to make sure your scalp is flake free then try using anti-dandruff once a week or so. (Ask you stylist for suggestions on a non-damaging anti-dandruff shampoo). 
  • Lice Free is the Way to Be!-As adults we tend to forget about the annpyance of lice! But did you know that the rainy season is also the time for lice to grow in the hair. In case of any itching on the scalp, apply Permethrin lotion [anti-lice medication] on the scalp with cotton, leave for two hours and wash off. Repeat this for 3-4 weeks. This problem is more common in school-going children.


So weather you plan on staying dry or going out, take care of your hair!

Happy Sunday Dolls!
