Tag Archives: Houston

Hair to love in 2012

4 Jan

Hair Trends for 2012 give everyone, something to love.

Styles that looked fresh from the ocean or outdoors, blow outs with big moment, polished ponys, graceful braids (yes, it is another year of the braid). One thing remains none of the styles are perfectly placed or polished—deconstructed waves, knots with sass and updos with an array of embellishments. Edgy and undone is the new chic and sexy.


Glistening Hair-  I put this look on style watch a few months back, It’s the low-maintenance look of the season. Wet, natural hair has the simplicity that’s also glamorous when paired with bold eyes or lips. It’s a look that can be tricky to achieve, too much product can make the finished look seem greasy and dirty. So practice makes perfect.



Street Style Waves- Urban, Sporty or Straight out of the shower. These waves are effortlessly cool and un-done. To get the look: rough-dry, maybe a few loose curls with the iron followed by raking through with hands and you are styled out.



Big Bounce Comeback- Voluminous, bouncy blowouts are elegant and easy to attain. Apply mousse, set hair in pin curls til cool, release and feel glamorous.  

Volumptios-Glamour-Bouncy-Blow Outs-DNA STYLE LABS HOUSTON HAIR SALON


Polished Ponytails- The ponytail is back, more so than usual. For 2012 you can’t go wrong….High and Sleek, Pony-bun or Multi-Pony, Full and Swinging. I’d say there is a variation for us all!



Updos with Accessories– Glam up your next formal event! The low and loose side pony for special occasions has competition! Accessorize your Updo…Feathers, Metal Caging, Pearls and even the simple Bobby Pin!  



Braids getting Elegant- Braids are cleaning up their act this year. This style is great for showing off the décolleté and for getting creative.  


  Cheers to Happy Hair Days in 2012!

Healthy Hair, In Winter Air.

28 Dec DNA Style Labs Houston Salon-Toni & Guy Justin Amador Stylist, Brittany Griffin Make Up Artist MUA

Tis the season for dry hair. It’s not just the cold, dry air outside that is brutal. Even though the cozy warmth inside is comforting…that dry inside air is just as bad for your hair. Bottom line…dry hair is inevitable. But while you can’t change the climate, you can keep your tresses healthy….with 4 simple to do’s for your do. 

DNA Style Labs Houston Salon-Toni & Guy Justin Amador Stylist, Brittany Griffin Make Up Artist MUA

Hair- Justin Amador & Make Up- Brittany at DNA Style Labs,

Trim your ends. It sounds like a no-brainer, but with the non-stop and fast paced lifestyle during the Holidays, it’s actually an import appointment we often say…”oh I’ll book my appointment later”, best advice to stick to regular trimmings? Pre-book your appointments! Why are more frequent trims so important? Because, dry hair starts from the ends, causing split ends and they’re going to keep on splitting up the shaft. So that one, becomes two, extremely weakened, and brittle strands. If you see your stylist every 8 weeks, try going only 6 weeks in between trims. If you go every 6, make it a monthly to do for the colder months.

 Protect your strands before using heated styling tools. We all use a mousse for body or a gel for softer hold, but those products don’t contain the moisturizing agents needed to shield your hair from the dry air. If you normally use a gel before blow-drying, apply a repair cream, heat-protecting cream or leave-in conditioner first, as a shield from blow dryers and harsh cold winds. Always use products sparingly, since you don’t want to make your hair heavy or greasy, but more importantly, you don’t want hot rollers applied directly to the ends of your unprotected hair.

 Hair Masques are a must. You need to condition your hair this time of year more than any other!  You can do in salon treatments or at home conditioning. In salon treatments have an advantage, because your stylist will massage the scalp which helps to produce blood circulation (and of course is, oh so relaxing), but in salon treatments are also used with heat which helps to open the cuticle for the treatment to penetrate each strand. Going once a week to see your stylist can be time-consuming, especially during such a busy time of year….so an at home treatment for the times you can’t get to the salon is still a must. Want to be the ultimate Masque Mixer? Here are a few easy recipes…. http://maddieruud.hubpages.com/hub/Hair_Masques

 What goes in your body reflects your outer appearance. With delicious holiday food adding a few pounds, and new years resolutions being made, it’s no surprise that dieting is so popular during these cold months. Low card diets result in dryer hair, so if you choose the low-carb/ no carb diet, add a biotin supplement and eat healthy lean meats. But most importantly, with any diet….DRINK LOTS OF WATER. Need some heart and healthy food suggestions?https://brittanylainemua.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/417/

Frisky Fall Colors

18 Oct

It’s beginning to feel a lot like autumn!

Hot hair color trends are all over the color charts, ranging from light to dark. Anything from dark rich browns, carmel highlights, platinum natural blondes and bold reds are all hot this fall! So what ever your personality is you can find the right hair color for you. What is your fall hair color desire?



Platnum Natural Blonde

Dark Base with a more drastic highlight


What ever color you’re eyeballing right now…..get it!

Have more questions or want a consultation? We are always here for you! Call us at

DNA Style Labs 713.339.4919

Your Mane in the Rain- Survival Guide

9 Oct

Houston we have rain, and I am loving it. After such a dry scorching summer, I think it’s safe to say we need this desperately!

 If you have to go out the rain can obviously be a drag when it comes to trying to look cute and keeping your strands healthy. Here are a few styling ideas to try in this wet weather.

Rain is the purest form of water but with the rise in pollution, rain water is contaminated and full of chemicals that are not hair-friendly.  On a rainy day, hair is the worst affected.  So it is important to practice hair care on a rainy day.  Rainy days don’t come alone, usually accompanied by its buddies- humidity and/ or strong wind.  Both of which can turn your fab tresses into a whole lot of messes. Here are few rainy day hair care tips !

How can you beat the rainy and windy weather while keepinh a gorgeous mane –

  • Rinse out the Rain-  If your hair does get wet in the rain, make sure that you wash your hair as soon as possible with a mild shampoo and condition. Do not leave rainwater on your strands, as it is high in chemical contents and can damage the hair.
  • Pump up the Flow-  Dry massage your scalp so that it improves blood circulation. However, once a week oil massaging it with warm oil is a good idea- Just remember to wash and rinse oils out after.
  • Mderation is always Key-Wash your hair every alternate day. If you have short hair, you can wash it daily. Switching to a gentle/baby shampoo is a good idea. Apply conditioner on the hair shaft as this will strengthen your hair.
  • Can you Dare go Bare– Skip hairspray and gels. These stick to the scalp and cause dandruff. Avoid using curling/ straightening iron and blow dryers (NOTE: However, if the hair is wet at night, apply lots of leave-in conditioner on the hair and then blow dry on cold air.)
  • Fight the Frizz-Excessive moisture is the biggest culprit during this season. It affects your hair even if you remain indoors, especially on days when the humidity is high. Depending on your hair type, it may leave your hair frizzy or flat. Hair usually tends to absorb the moisture in the air. This makes fine/thin hair fall flat, but people with wavy/curly hair end up with frizzy strands. The best solution to this is to use a humidity-protective styling produc. This help by forming a protective coat over the hair cuticle and preventing moisture from getting in and also going out.
  • Grease-Proof the Goop-Choose hair care products wisely depending on your hair type. Frizzy, dry and rough hair is usually dealt with by using hair cream or similar products to smoothen it. But this can have an adverse effect, by allowing your hair to absorb moisture and making it look greasy or sticky. If this happens, stick to a leave-in conditioner. Also for coloured hair, use the special shampoos and conditioners meant for such hair.
  • Dandruff-Free Do-With such high humidity and wet hair, dandruff  is too comon and never welcomed. If you want to make sure your scalp is flake free then try using anti-dandruff once a week or so. (Ask you stylist for suggestions on a non-damaging anti-dandruff shampoo). 
  • Lice Free is the Way to Be!-As adults we tend to forget about the annpyance of lice! But did you know that the rainy season is also the time for lice to grow in the hair. In case of any itching on the scalp, apply Permethrin lotion [anti-lice medication] on the scalp with cotton, leave for two hours and wash off. Repeat this for 3-4 weeks. This problem is more common in school-going children.


So weather you plan on staying dry or going out, take care of your hair!

Happy Sunday Dolls!







DNA Style Labs + MacVoil = TEAMWORK!

4 Oct

A big thank you to all the lovely faces that came out to the MacVoil and DNA Style Labs even yesterday!

 Hope to see y’all for the next one November 7th (Monday) along with new faces. A few photos from our MacVoil Smoothing Systems Class yesterday.

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MACVOIL Smoothing System

30 Sep


Hope to see some new STYLIST and COSMOTOLOGY STUDENTS from around the area. 

* WHEN: Monday- October 3, 2011   
*WHERE: Salon & Spa Wholesalers- 7830 Westpark Dr, Houston, TX 77063
* RSVP: 713.339.4919 or email @ DNA.StyleLabs@yahoo.com 


MACVOIL has captured the purest all-natural organic ingredients, using the most advanced technologies availible to develop a Keratin treatment without the health risks, irritants or side-effects. MACVOIL All-Natural Smoothing System is 100% free of …formaldehyde, Aldehyde, or any Aldehyde derivatives.
*No Masks, or additional ventilation is needed for the stylist or client.

*No Guanidine Carbonate/ Hydroxide or Sodium Hydroxide-Found
‘Lye’ & ‘No Lye’ Relaxers

*No Ammoniam Thioglycolate-Found in Perm Solutions

*In just FOUR hours you will become a certifided stylist with our
revolutionary 7 Step MACVOIL SMOOTHIN SYSTEM and
receive a certificate of completion.

*Live demenstrations on how to link the cut, color and texture together to
complete a customized master piece for each individual based on their


For More Information about DNA Style Labs-  Like our Facebook page  http://www.facebook.com/dnastylelabs

For More Information on MacVoil Smoothing System and Products- http://macvoil.com/ 

Men! Men! Men!

28 Sep

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6 Sexy and Versitile looks for the gentlemen!

David Beckham, Brad Pitt, Robert Pattinson, even “The Beibs” and The Jersey Shore Guido’s know……..Women love a man with a good head of hair! So just like I told the ladies- Don’t be afraid to change your style. I’ve searched for messy, sleek, sexy and best of all versitile styles to try, for all hair textures, colors and length.

MacVoil Smoothing Treatment

24 Sep


MacVoil Smoothing System – a revolutionary technology in the field of hair smoothing, rejuvenation and restoration.

Not only does our procedure repair damaged hair, but it actually stimulates new growth of healthy, shiny, glossy, full-bodied hair.  Keratin (hair’s natural building material) breaks down over time, disintegrated and destroyed by exposure to the elements, coloring, chemical treatments, blow drying, curling, relaxing, etc. leaving hair dry, frizzy, flat and unmanageable.

BEFORE- Before Crystal had the MacVoil Smoothing Treatment, to get her hair smooth and shiny her blowdry and flat ironing took up to an hour, along with numerous product.

  MacVoils Smoothing Treatment DNA Style Labs 

AFTER- After the treatment, it only took a blow dryer, paddle brush and 15 minutes.

For the finishing product we used the, MacVoil ‘Leave-On Conditioner’ Gives shine while enhancing the color and creating volume.  

 DNA Style Labs Houston Smoothing Keratin 


With the increasing popularity of hair straightening systems,it’s no secret that smooth beautiful hair is a look that so many desire. What’s really great about this Keratin Smoothing Treatment, besides the lovely results? MacVoil’s All-Natural Smoothing System is 100% free of Formaldehyde, or any Aldehyde derivatives. So that means….

*   No gloves, masks or additional ventilation is needed for the stylist or the client.

* No Guanidine Carbonate/ Hydroxide or Sodium Hydroxide– found in both ‘Lye‘ & ‘No Lye’ Relaxers.

*No Ammonium, Thioglycolate in Perm Solutions.

For more information about MacVoil Smoothing System or products

 Check out MacVoils website at http://macvoil.com/ 

 or give us a call at DNA Style Labs 713.339.4919

DNA Style Labs Houston Keratin Smoothing Treatment MacVoil

Model- Crystal Shotwelo * Stylist at DNA Style Labs use MacVoil Smoothing Treatment

DNA Style Labs, Houston, TX

Zooey is bangin!

20 Sep

Known for her straight blunt fringe and her big doey eyes, it’s no wonder why Indie darling Zooey Deschanel is our CELEB WATCH debut!

She is a perfect fringe girl! There is a version of bangs everyone can wear. Zooey totally rocks a Textured/ Disconnected bang. Cut at or right below the brow, just like momma used to do to ours when we were little girls. The only difference between little girl bangs and these sexy blunt pieces? The texture added to give more dimension and the length is a little longer. Since they aren’t strait a cross and so short there are a variety of ways they can be styled…..


Sneak Peek-MacVoil Photoshoot

16 Sep

It was a lovely Sunday and Monday getting to do make up on the girls, working with Justin Amador (Owner/ Stylist at DNA Style Labs) to get these beauties picture perfect for future MacVoil ads, brochures and signage with photographer and Fred Tavakoli over at Salon & Spa Wholesalers.

A few behind the scenes….well and behind the photographer shots





Alright, Thats all for now. Look out for these lovely faces and more in salons, magazines and any other MacVoil ads and sineage. Happy Friday to all of you lovelies!  🙂

DNA Style Labs, Houston, TX