Archive | December, 2011

Healthy Hair, In Winter Air.

28 Dec DNA Style Labs Houston Salon-Toni & Guy Justin Amador Stylist, Brittany Griffin Make Up Artist MUA

Tis the season for dry hair. It’s not just the cold, dry air outside that is brutal. Even though the cozy warmth inside is comforting…that dry inside air is just as bad for your hair. Bottom line…dry hair is inevitable. But while you can’t change the climate, you can keep your tresses healthy….with 4 simple to do’s for your do. 

DNA Style Labs Houston Salon-Toni & Guy Justin Amador Stylist, Brittany Griffin Make Up Artist MUA

Hair- Justin Amador & Make Up- Brittany at DNA Style Labs,

Trim your ends. It sounds like a no-brainer, but with the non-stop and fast paced lifestyle during the Holidays, it’s actually an import appointment we often say…”oh I’ll book my appointment later”, best advice to stick to regular trimmings? Pre-book your appointments! Why are more frequent trims so important? Because, dry hair starts from the ends, causing split ends and they’re going to keep on splitting up the shaft. So that one, becomes two, extremely weakened, and brittle strands. If you see your stylist every 8 weeks, try going only 6 weeks in between trims. If you go every 6, make it a monthly to do for the colder months.

 Protect your strands before using heated styling tools. We all use a mousse for body or a gel for softer hold, but those products don’t contain the moisturizing agents needed to shield your hair from the dry air. If you normally use a gel before blow-drying, apply a repair cream, heat-protecting cream or leave-in conditioner first, as a shield from blow dryers and harsh cold winds. Always use products sparingly, since you don’t want to make your hair heavy or greasy, but more importantly, you don’t want hot rollers applied directly to the ends of your unprotected hair.

 Hair Masques are a must. You need to condition your hair this time of year more than any other!  You can do in salon treatments or at home conditioning. In salon treatments have an advantage, because your stylist will massage the scalp which helps to produce blood circulation (and of course is, oh so relaxing), but in salon treatments are also used with heat which helps to open the cuticle for the treatment to penetrate each strand. Going once a week to see your stylist can be time-consuming, especially during such a busy time of year….so an at home treatment for the times you can’t get to the salon is still a must. Want to be the ultimate Masque Mixer? Here are a few easy recipes….

 What goes in your body reflects your outer appearance. With delicious holiday food adding a few pounds, and new years resolutions being made, it’s no surprise that dieting is so popular during these cold months. Low card diets result in dryer hair, so if you choose the low-carb/ no carb diet, add a biotin supplement and eat healthy lean meats. But most importantly, with any diet….DRINK LOTS OF WATER. Need some heart and healthy food suggestions?